1) We saw this example before in the Tonic Function exercises, but now that we know all about all three functions, let's revisit it. Identify the chord function of each chord in this progression. How do they do on harmonic rhythm? Are there any surprises? If so, why do you think they work? Try playing it if you can, see if it sounds okay.
2) Let's look at the progressions we learned today. The Doo-Wop progression goes I-VImi-IV-V, while the 4-Chord progression goes I-V-VImi-IV. Can you think of any songs you know that might contain those progressions? Look up the chords: Were you right? If you can't think of any, try looking up chords to some of your favorite songs and seeing if they match.
3) Try writing some progressions of your own! Harmonic Rhythm is one of those areas in music where there are no wrong answers as long as you're aware of the issues, so try making something that sounds good to you. If you can't play an instrument, just try writing some out from your theoretical understanding, send them in, and I'll make you a quick recording of it so you can see what it sounds like.
And that's harmonic rhythm! Post your answers below or on the video, and we'll see you next week!